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Isa 34 - 36

Toddler Zeal
August 12                                        Isa 34 - 36


MEMORISE: 'I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and Wonderfully made: marvelous are thy works; And that my soul know right well.' (Ps 139:14)
READ: 2 Corinthians 10:12-18

In today's world, everybody seems to run after power, popularity, money and other material things. In the process, it is inevitable that people compare themselves to their colleagues, their friends' family members. Some people even compare their children's achievements with that of their peers to see how they measure up.

The spirit of competition can even be found in the church. Some church members believe that, because a neighbor or fellow church member has bought a certain car, they should buy one too. You may not need such a fancy car, and you may not care about its features. All you're worried about is being left behind. With this competitive spirit come envy, jealousy, covetousness, pride and a host of other unpleasant things.

God has a plan for your life. That plans, no matter how it may resemble the plans he for your friends and neighbors, is unique and different. In John 21:15-23, after his resurrection, Jesus had breakfast with the 11 disciples. Afterwards he revealed his plan for Peter's life and how peter would die to glorify God. Having heard this, peter wanted to know Christ's plan for John, the beloved disciple, but Jesus refused to reveal it.

Believers should watch out for this pitfall. Our text says that those who keep on using others as yardstick for comparison are not wise. Be wise today. Yield your life completely to God. In his own time, God makes all things beautiful. You do not have to join in the race of unbelievers. Jesus says as you seek him, material things will seek you. Commit your life, plans and goals into his hands and trust in him. He will bring them to pass at the right time.

List the people with whom you have been competing against your better judgment. Forget about them and follow God's timetable for your life.

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