Isa 40 - 42
'As far as the east is from the west So far hath he removed
our transgressions from us.'(Ps 103:12)
Psalm 103:8-14
is simply wonderful. I owe everything I am and ever will be
to him. The same applies for every genuine Christian whose sins
have been washed away by the blood of Christ. We shall be eternally
grateful to him. After the fall of Adam, men became sinners.
Sin had brought a deadlock in man's relationship with God. But
the love of God prevailed, and he sought out a way to relationship
with God. Garden of Eden, God had to shed blood to obtain animal
skins to cover Adam and Eve (Gen 3:21). But this was not enough.
seeking a perfect solution to the problem of sin, God had an
idea to extend forgiveness by covering his children's sins.
If you cover coins with a stone, and you remove the stone year
later, the coins will still be there. Although Old Testament
believers could sacrifice animals to atone for their sins, it
was still not the final solution. In Psalm 32:1 David said:
' Blessed is he whose transgression is forgiven, whose sin is
covered.' However, God thought of a better way. David said of
this method in Psalm 103:12: 'As far as the east is from the
west, so far hath he removed our transgressions from us.' But
even this separation from sin was not good enough for God.
sin is a terrible stain on one's robe of righteousness, it is
better to wash it away. That is what David asked for in Psalm
51. Under the Old covenant God used sins. But ultimately, that
was not the solution. So God came to his last option: he sent
Jesus Christ, his own son, to shed his righteous blood on Calvary.
When Jesus was resurrected and returned to his Father in heaven,
all the sins to which his blood was applied disappeared completely.
Praise God! Any sin, which has been washed away by the blood
of Jesus, has been forgiven forever. The records of that sin
are wiped. Are you truly saved? If you are, you can rest assured
that the records of your past sin has been erased completely.
Do not let the devil accuse you. He has no records on which
to base his accusations! But make sure that you do not fall
back in sin. If you do, ask Jesus to wash your sins away immediately
Spend 30 minutes thanking God for your salvation from sin.
Ask him to save souls in mission fields all over the world.