Open Heavens Series OneOpen Heavens Series Two
Isa 46 - 48
Toddler Zeal
August 16                                       Isa 46 - 48


MEMORISE: 'there is neither Jew nor Greek; there is neither Neither bond nor free, there neither male nor female: For ye are all one in Christ Jesus.' (Gal 3:28)
READ: Acts 3:1-6

This passage tells how Peter and John experienced God's miraculous working on their way to church one day. We need to learn a few lessons from these verses. The first is that, in spite of having been taught by the greatest Teacher- the word made flesh- for three and a half years, Peter and John still humbled them selves to go to church. By now, one would think that they would have acquired more than enough knowledge about God.

Some Christians today lack spiritual growth, because they are proud. Once they become ministers, Pastors or leaders, they feel that message from scripture are no longer for them, but for those under them. They stop learning from other believers, especially the people in their care. Consequently they miss out on a lot of blessing. if you are genuinely born again, you will be glad to fellowship regularly in the church like the Psalmist (ps 122: 1).

Peter and John had certain things in common, although they were very different in other respects. Along with James they were part of Jesus' inner circle and they loved intensely. Peter was poor and elderly, but full of action. John on the other hand was young, well to do and kept a cool head. He had a home of his own. After Jesus had died, John took Mary, Jesus mother, to his own house as Jesus had instructed.

Although Peter and John were different in many respects, their love for Jesus forged a strong bond between them. Among God's children there should be no gap between rich and poor. Jesus Christ is the common denominator before which everyone is equal. For unbelievers there is only one equalizer-death. 'There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus' (Gal 3:28). True children of God are open to receive God's word from fellow believers. They are sensitive and humble. How humble are you? Do you love Jesus enough to belong to his inner circle? Do you regularly attend fellowship with God's people?

Do you love God more than anything? Ask him to make you part of his inner circle and help you to pay the price of following him day in and day out.

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