Isa 52 - 54
'Wherefore they arose and fled in the twilight, And left their
tents, and their horses, and their asses, Even the camp as it
was, and fleet for their life.' (2Kings 7:7)
Matthew 16:24-27
The Syrians besieged Samaria. They built tents all over the
place and wined and dined everyday while the inhabitants became
more impoverished. At a point God intervened and they heard
a frightening noise as if a great multitude of soldiers were
coming towards them.
2 Kings7:7 says: 'Wherefore they arose and fled
in the twilight, and left their tents, and their horses, and
their asses, even the camp as it was, and fled for their life.'
This was a wise act. Even the enemies knew their lives were
more important than their possessions, so they left everything
behind and fled. Jesus asked how a man could profit if he gained
the world, but lost his soul, and what a man could give in return
for his soul. The answer on both counts is: nothing.
What have you sacrificed to become a child of
God? Money, friends, relatives, your job? No matter what, it
is worth it. Your soul is priceless. God had to sacrifice his
Son on the cross at Calvary just to save you. If he paid such
a price, no amount of money is too much to save a soul. Some
people feel very disappointed when only one soul is saved through
a programmer on which tens or hundreds of thousands were spent.
That money has not been wasted.
Just as the Syrians fled for their lives, the
angels that rescued Lot and his family urged them to flee the
city, since their lives were in danger. Lot's wife left Sodom,
but because Sodom didn't leave her, she became a Pillar of salt
(Gen 19: 17- 26). Several Israelites made it out of Egypt, but
perished in the wilderness before they got to the Promised Land.
Heaven is our ultimate Promised Land. It is not enough that
you have been saved. If you look back, you will be lost forever.
You have placed your hands on the plough of salvation: looking
back is not an option. Guard that salvation jealously, so that
Satan doesn't manage to steal it.
Make a conscious decision to resist any form of temptation.
Sin is the beginning of spiritual death.