Isa 22 - 24
'For there is hope of a tree, if it be cut down, that it will
sprout again, and that the tender branch thereof will not cease.'
Matthew 15:21-28
The enemy's goal is total annihilation. Do not
strike the enemy three times and rest. An incomplete victory
is dangerous. Joshua fought and won several battles, but it
was a descendant of the giants he failed to destroy in Gath,
Goliath, who later terrorized Israel for 40 days (Josh 11: 21-22).
God, through his prophet Elijah, won a decisive
victory over 450 prophets of Baal on Mount Carmel (1 Kings 18).
But that was not enough. To complete the victory, Jezebel had
to die. Earlier Elijah spared Jezebel, the grand patron of the
prophets of Baal, and she became a terror to him to a point
where he gave up the ministry and wanted to die. Don't make
the same mistake. Ensure that everything you do for God, everything
you receive from him is genuine and perfect. Make sure that
you are really born again. Sanctify every area of your life.
Where you still have doubts, hold on to God and plead with him
to make you a brand new person.
Deal with the giants in your life - anger, fear,
greed and immoral thoughts. It may appear small and insignificant
now, but if you fail to eliminate it, it will grow into a giant
and hold you captive. Remember, Moses allowed his Goliath -
anger- to remain. Eventually, it tripped him, just as he was
about to enter the Promised Land.
What are you experiencing? The Lord will see
you through it. He has promised to be with us, even through
fire and water (Isa 43:2). Still, some Christians enter the
fire and perish, because they could not hold on to his promise.
They became discouraged and accepted the devil's alternative.
In our text, the syro-phoenician woman received
her miracle through dogged persistence. The problem with many
Christians is that, halfway to their victory, they turn back.
Some turn around when they are on the verge of a breakthrough.
Hold on to God as your only alternative. Stick to him, and your
victory will be complete.
Is the battle so fierce that you want to quit? Don't!
Be strong and fight on. You are only a few steps away from victory.