July 14
2 Chron 1 - 3
‘And the LORD shall be seen over them, and his arrow shall
go forth as the lightning: and the Lord God shall blow the trumpet,
and shall go with whirlwinds of the south.’(Zech 9:14)
Psalm 44: 3- 8
the LORD shall be seen over them, and his arrow shall go forth
as the lightning: and the Lord GOD shall blow the trumpet, and
shall go with whirlwinds of the south’ (Zech 9:14). After
Elisha took ill, King Joash visited him on his sickbed and lamented
over him. Later, Elisha asked him to hold his bow and arrow,
then he placed his hands on Joash’s and asked him to shoot.
As the king fired the arrows, Elisha said, ‘The arrow
of the LORD’s deliverance, and the arrow of deliverance
from Syria… (2 Kgs 13: 17).
is God’s arrow called the arrow of deliverance? An arrow
flies very fast. When the Lord of Hosts send his arrow, it moves
like lightening to set people free because many require urgent
intervention. For instance, if God does not send that arrow
within seconds, an accident could occur. Have you found yourself
in a near-accident situation? You were face to face with the
accident then you called on his name and in a split second the
arrow of God’s deliverance bullseyed and you were miraculously
by 450 angry priests of Baal, Elijah needed an expeditious deliverance
so he prayed and the arrow fell as fire. It would have taken
those hungry lions less than three minutes to tear Daniel to
pieces so the arrow of God’s deliverance had to come speedily.
When his many enemies and theirs families were thrown into the
same den even before they reached the bottom the Scriptures
say the lions had torn them to pieces and crunched their bones
(Dan 6: 24).
you urgently in need of deliverance? The Lord will command deliverance
for you. To receive it fast, call on his name, as David did
(Ps 31:1-2). Stay out of sin because God will only send his
arrow of deliverance to his righteous ones. Even when the enemy
holds tight, God will replace you with a ransom. God is never
late: call now.
Ask God to send forth his arrow of deliverance into your
and to shoot his arrows against all your oppressors.