Open Heavens Series OneOpen Heavens Series Two
2 Chron 10 - 13
Toddler Zeal
July 17                                        2 Chron 10 - 13


MEMORISE: ‘But the very hairs of your head are all numbered.’ (Matt 10:30)
READ: John 5: 1- 9

‘But the very hairs of your head are all numbered’ (Matt 10: 30). If god knows the stars so well that he calls them by name, it means he knows their physical details. If God knows their details, he knows my physical details too. God will not let a single strand of my hair fall to the ground without his knowledge (Luke 21: 18). If God can pay attention to something as insignificant as a hair, then he can single you out in the midst of a multitude for a miracle.

In Luke 4: 25-27, Jesus testified to this possibility when he mentioned tat among several widows during a great famine, God had singled out the widow of Zarephath for a special visitation. Also, there were several lepers in Israel, yet God singled our Naaman the Syrian for healing. Have you considered yourself a candidate for uncommon favour?

According to our reading, a multitude of sick people gathered at a pool called Bethesda. They were waiting for a yearly miracle. It happened that an angel went to trouble the water and thereafter, whosoever entered first was healed of whatever sickness he had. Out of the multitude waiting to be healed, Jesus singled out a man who had been there for 38 years healed him. The Lord will single you out for promotion. Out of the crowd, you will be chosen for uncommon favour and a breakthrough in Jesus’ Name.

God knows your mental details. Psalm 139:1-6 says God knows your thoughts from far off. He is also aware of the spiritual facts about you. Isaiah 29:13-14 confirms that God distinguishes those who pay lip service to him from those heats are truly his. He knows those who are using the Name of Jesus to make money. Someday he will judge them. Galatians 6:7 says that everyone will reap what he or she had sown. How close are you to God? Can you evoke God to single you out for a miracle?

Ask God for a special visitation today.
Pray for all the pastors who will minister at this year’s Convention.

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