June 14
Acts 6 - 9
‘Thou which hast shewed me great and sore troubles, shall
quicken me again, and shalt bring me up again from the depths
of the earth. Thou shalt increase my greatness and comfort me
on every side.’ (Ps 71: 20-21)
Job 19: 6-17
people have their lives in order except for one area. If you
are in good health, progressing academically, financially and
spiritually, but you have been trusting God for a child, or
you have only girls, so you are trusting God for a boy, all
you need is a breakthrough in that area. The God of breakthrough
will visit you and give you a song. But there are some people
who are hedged in on all sides. Virtually every area of their
lives is under siege: no money, no job, frequent sicknesses
and reproach by neighbours. Such people need a breakthrough
in ever area.
was one such person. He lost his wealth in one day. His business
empire suddenly collapsed and he became jobless. All his children
died at once. He lost his health and grievous boil covered his
whole body. He began to stink before his wife, so she could
no longer render him due benevolence. All she could say, after
thinking about all his misfortune, was ‘curse God and
die.’ This means his problems made her backslide.
a man who was the richest and greatest man in the world, and
held in high esteem, becoming so poor that all his relatives
and friends deserted him. Even his paid servants lorded over
him. He could not do anything for himself. To get his servants
to do something for him, he had to prostrate himself and beg.
Everyone began to speak against him, including young children.
But one day, the God of breakthrough visited Job and turned
around his captivity.
which hast shewed me great and sore troubles, shall quicken
me again, and shalt bring me up again from the depths of the
earth. Thou shalt increase my greatness and comfort me on every
side’ (Ps 7: 20-21). Are you going through a trial of
faith in different areas of your life simultaneously? If Job
could breakthrough, you will, too. Hold on to God. The trial
is only breakthrough and comfort you on every side.
Prayerfully visit at least three people you know are going
through hard times. Be a comfort and encouragement to them.