June 17
15 - 18
‘But our God is in the heavens: he hath done whatsoever
he hath pleased.’ (Ps 115:3)
1 Timothy 6:11-12
‘But our God is in the heavens: he hath
done whatsoever he hath pleased’ (Ps 1115:3). Breakthroughs
do not just come on their own: They are provoked. If you sit
there without doing anything about that siege, it will continue.
It will not change automatically, a some people think. That
curse in the family w0ll not just go away on its own. This is
because certain forces of darkness – demons and agents
of darkness, who may have been used to bring about the siege,
have the responsibility of ensuring that the situation never
improves, but rather worsen.
There are certain steps you can take to obtain
your breakthrough. The first is to b chosen by God. If you are
born again, you are chosen by God. Before Naaman, the leprous
captain of the Syrian Army, had his breakthrough, he had to
be cleansed. His sins were forgiven and then he reveived his
healing. Sin is the root cause of sickness and some of the other
afflictions we suffer today. Before Jesus could heal people,
he had to forgive their sins first, then warn them never to
return to those sins or else something worse would befall them.
Be genuinely saved today.
The second step is to obey whatever instruction
God gives you, whether it appears rational or not. A leper came
to a prophet, who said to go to a small pool and dip in seven
times and the leprosy would go. That does not sound scienctific.
Peter was told to throw his nets for a catch in the daytime.
That was not the right time to fish. But if the God of breakthroughs
tells you to do so, then you can be sure that whatever the fishes
have gone to, they will be pulled by a force greater than themselves
into the region of the net. Obedience is the key to breakthrough.
At the marriage in Cana, when the wine was exhausted,
Mary came to Jesus’ disciples, pre-empting the move of
the God to turn back into abundance. She told them, ‘Whatsoever
he says to you please do it.’ It sounded foolish to fill
up with gallons of water and then fetch some for the chairman
of the feast. Imagine the fear of the servant who held the cup.
But if that instruction comes from the God of breakthroughs,
you ha better carry it out. Are you born again? Have you received
an instruction from the Lord? Have you obeyed it?
According to 2 Cor 5: 17, if you claim to be born again,
Has your sinful lifestyle ceased? Cry now to God for help.