June 26
Obadai; Jonah 1 - 4
‘Woe is me, that I sojourn in Mesech, that I dwell in
the tents of Kedar.’ (Ps 120:5)
1 Samuel 2: 7-8
The four lepers at the gate of Samaria asked
themselves why they had to die. This led to their changing their
location. God is saying to you today: change your location.
The lepers did not receive their breakthrough until they had
changed their location. They advanced from the camp of seclusion
where they had been for many years. Before you can enter into
your breakthrough, you have to relocate. Are you located in
secret sinning? It is true that nobody sees you doing those
things, but God does. Isaiah 59:1-2 says those sins are responsible
for delaying the blessing you are longing for. Change your location
to holiness. Are you still at the doubt and unbelief bus stop?
James 1:6-8 says you should not expect God to answer that prayer.
Relocate to faith.
Take a look at various aspects of your life
where you are wrongly located. Have you pitched your tent in
Sodom, Like Lot? Are you dwelling in grudges and unforgiveness
? Are you living in the valley of prayerlessness? Is your body
in Zion but your heart in Egypt? Are you still harbouring the
Philistines God has long warned you to destroy? In as many areas
as you are in need, relocate to where God expect you to be.
As long as Jonah lived in disobedience, he was in peril. God
will not come and separate you from that girlfriend. He will
not force you to do what he knows you should. You have to do
it yourself.
After you have changed your position, God will
throw down his might and relocate you from your present status
to a higher, better, desirable and more glorious place. 1 Samuel
2: 7-8 says he can relocate you from the dust to sit among princes.
I prefer a throne to a dunghill. God can change your location.
He changed a witch, Mary Magdalene into a divine treasurer.
In Mark 5: 1-20, he converted a complete madman into an evangelist.
God can relocate you today! First do your part, like the four
lepers. Move from grumbling and complaining to praise and worship.
Move from disobedience to obedience. Straighten up your life
and you will see God move thereafter.
Examine yourself and relocate from any negative position
you may be in now. Ask God to let you be where he wants you
to be – always.