'but now I have written unto you not to keep company, If any man
that is called a brother be a fornicator, or covetous, Or an idolater,
or a raillery, or a drunkard, or an extortion; With such an one
no not to eat.' (1 Cor 5:11)
2 Kings 6: 11-17
God made a covenant with Abraham
and blessed him. But because God is the everlasting God, he purposed
that the blessing would outlive Abraham. In fulfilling this, God
promised that through Abraham's seed, every nation on earth would
be blessed.
Therefore anyone who is the seed
of Abraham is automatically blessed, because Abraham was blessed.
Through Jesus, you can become the seed of Abraham (Gal 3:13-14).
In this world there are only two lineages: those who are connected
with the lineage of Abraham and those who are not. Those who are
in Abraham's lineage automatically qualify for his blessings.
Romans 11:16-20 says that because of the unbelief of the Israelites,
God had to graft the Gentiles in. we are the spiritual Israelites
and as such we qualify for the covenant blessing God has released
to us. We are blessed because we are positively connected with
Abraham (through out faith in Christ).
Be careful whom you associate
with. If you associate with someone who is blessed, you too will
be blessed. If you associate with someone who is cursed, the curse
will also spread. In our reading the enemy came with a great host
to arrest Elisha. Because Elisha's servant was associate with
him, he too was delivered and protected by the same angelic host
guarding Elisha.
Associate yourself with a genuine
man of God. If you do, you will also enjoy the blessings and grace
he enjoys to some extent. Keep away from those who are cured.
The children of Gehazi will regret generation after generation
that they were ever born, because they were born into leprosy.
Be mindful of those you mingle with. If you keep thieves, fornicators,
liars, smokers, and fraudulent people as friends, their evil will
also spread to you. Cut yourself off from such people today and
associate with genuinely saved brethren. Cut yourself off from
such people today and associate with genuinely saved brethren.
Examine those with whom you keep company and determine their
influence on you. Break away without apology from every negative
associate. |