Dan 7 - 9
'For many are called, but few are chosen.' (Matt 22:14)
Luke 13:23-30
many are called, but few are chosen' (matt 22:14). The call
for salvation goes to everyone on earth (John 3:16) but how
many have responded and accepted it in your family, extended
family, community, place of work, state, nation or the world
at large? Only a few. Among the few (all those who claim to
be born again) how many do you think will make it to heaven?
Again - only a few! In Genesis 6:1-8, when angels began to mate
with women and give birth to giants, and the earth was being
taken oven by wickedness to a point that God regretted making
man, he decided to destroy them. How many were saved? Only eight.
The rest were destroyed in the flood.
of those nations that are not born again; are they going to
hell? How about the several millions who are actively involved
in other religions of the world? What is their fate? God is
the creator of the heavens and earth. He made the nations and
caused the men he created to inhabit them. Psalm 22:28 call
him the Governor of the nations. Psalm72:11 says that all kings
and nations will worship him. But if whole nations feel too
big to worship or serve God, what happens? Psalm 9:17 say: 'the
wicked shall be turned into hell, and all the nations that forget
our reading, someone asked Jesus, 'Lord, are just a few people
going to be saved?' From his reply, many will not go to heaven
because they refuse to enter in at the door. Jesus is the door.
Also, many refuse to meet with God's requirement and drop their
excess luggage. Rather, they want God to modify his requirements
to suit them. But that is not possible. Some who claim to know
Jesus will not enter heaven if they become wicked; such as maltreating
those God puts in their care. The same fate awaits believers
who fail to do God's will or who begin to compromise with sin
or become re-entangled with worldly things. Only a few will
make it. I will surely be there. Are you prepared to be among
the few? Can you pay the price?
Determine what steps you will take to ensure that you
Will be among those who will reach heaven.