Ps 7 - 9
'My little children, of whom I travail in birth again until
Christ be formed in you.' (Gal 4;19)
Galatians 4:13-19
'My little children, of whom I travail in birth
again until Christ be formed in you' (Gal 4: 19). Conception
of a baby and its delivery is not something achieved in a short
period of time. Usually it takes nine months of conception before
one is set to deliver. But it does not end there. That is only
the beginning of years of nursing, weaning, training and growth
through different stages such as babyhood, toddler, childhood,
teenage, adolescence and adulthood. These post delivery challenges
could be termed 'another travail'.
If a woman, having successfully delivered a
baby, says she is tired and cannot go through the rig ours of
raising that child, everybody will call her a wicked woman.
They will ask her who forced her to conceive the child in the
first place. As in the physical, so in the spiritual. Have you
labouredly over a soul until that soul received Jesus? Praise
God! The first travail is over. You are just about to begin
the second travail. Paul in our reading said, having travailed
to give birth to his converts, he had to face an even greater
travail - helping Jesus Christ to be formed in them. Paul was
a great spiritual father. Are you like? Some of us feel that
having led a soul to Christ, our work is done. We wash our hands
off him. We are wicked parents, like the woman who, after delivery,
went to dump her baby by a dustbin and fled.
In John 15:16, Jesus says that after you bear
fruit, it should remain. Any soul that is saved but cannot make
it to heaven will bring no reward to the one who fathered that
soul. There is a link between you and your children in Christ.
As soon as that soul is saved, God releases some milk of grace
into you to feed the convert. You can teach him the basic knowledge
of God's word, prayer and fasting, how to live victoriously
above sin; how to deal with enemies and handle life's problems.
Also ensure he keeps growing in the Lord and registers in the
young converts' class. Your work continues until your convert
eventually becomes a minister of God and is he giving birth
to others for the Lord. It is a joyful thing indeed to be a
spiritual father! Prayerfully launch out today!
Earn the title of father over your converts by giving them
the milk of God's word, Building them up, praying and caring
for them.