Open Heavens Series OneOpen Heavens Series Two


Dan 1 - 3
Toddler Zeal

September 8                                   Dan 1 - 3


MEMORISE: 'Wherefore seeing we are also compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses let us lay aside every weight, and the sin, which doth so easily, beset us.'
READ: 1 Samuel 17: 38-40

There are certain things that can constitute a weight - a load or heavy object on you and thereby hinder you from making quick progress. Why do you think athletes use shorts, T-shirt or sing lets and canvas? It is to eliminate any unnecessary weight so that they can be free to perform as expected. Blind Bartimaeus was a street beggar. Because most of his time was spent on the street, he wore a garment thick enough to give him warmth from the cold. One day, as Jesus passed his way, he drew the Lord's attention. When Jesus sent for him, he tired to go quickly to meet him, but his garment had become a weight. Refusing to allow the garment to hinder his blessing, he threw it away, ran to Jesus and came back seeing!

'Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us' (Heb 12: 1). Every weight in your life has to be discarded if you want to continue to run the Christian race you have already enlisted in. different things constitute a weight to a Christian. Besetting sins are a weight. These are sins you committed frequently before your came to Christ. They are your weak point. Somebody's weak point may be another's strong point. Yet everybody weaknesses. If you don't take them to the cross and deal with them, they will make your Christian life miserable.

That pending restitution can become a weight in your path of progress. Speaking against authorities and men of God could be the weight blocking your womb or finances. Doubt and unbelief could be the weights in your life. Is that compromising situation the weight shutting your month from declaring the whole counsel of God? David discarded Saul's Armour when he was going to fight Goliath. Your trust in the arm of flesh and in the people in authority you know to help you get that job could be the very weight hindering your promotion. Repent today. Put your trust in God and obey God fully and speedily. Every weight will give way.

List the weights that make your Christian life an unpleasant experience.
Prayerfully break off from them.

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