April 10
Kings 15-17
Miraculous Stories
Text: Psalm 22:22-31
world has no problem which heaven has no solution to. Whatever
you are going through today, someone has gone through the same
experience and received divine solution. The Bible is a wonderful
book. There is no book like it. Its pages leap with encouraging
and heart-warming stories of God’s miraculous intervention
in the affairs of men. In Luke 7:11-15, we have the story of the
widow of Nain. The devil killed her only son. Her family was besieged.
She was hopeless because she knew she would be lonely for the
rest of her life. At that moment, Jesus stepped in. He told the
woman to stop wailing and assured here there would be no more
sorrow for her. Her weeping ended. Jesus steps in when the crisis
is greater, and when it is darkest.
Daniel 3:22-27, we also have the story of Shadrack, Meshach and
Abednego. The furnace they were put into was seven times hotter
than normal. Perhaps, they expected God to do something but He
did not. Maybe they became disappointed. When they landed in the
firry furnace, the Son of God was there waiting for them. It is
when the heat is at the peak that the Prince of Peace comes. In
John 5:2-9, we read of a man who had been lying by the pool of
Bethesda for 38 years. He was no longer expecting a miracle. There
are many people in that situation. You have believed God for healing
for so long and healing has not come. You are only in Christ because
there is nowhere else to go. This was the situation of this man
when the Great Physician came and his travails ended. He received
his healing. In Mark 10:46-52, when blind Barthmaeus was crying
for mercy, the crowd told him to shut up. He cried louder out
of desperation. Jesus stood still when He heard his cry.
the hour seems very dark and there is no hope, Jesus Christ will
step in. Again, in Mark 5:1-15, we have the story of a man who
was besieged from within and without. He had more than a thousand
demons inside him. He was living in a tomb. He was poor and had
no peace of mind. Nobody offered him any hope. He saw Jesus coming
and before the demons inside him could do anything, he ran to
Jesus for help. A few minutes later, he became an evangelist and
had peace within and without. Are you passing through a dark period?
I can assure you that the Sun of Righteousness will arise and
bring healing unto your body, soul and spirit. When the hour is
darkest, it means the sun is about to rise. The Sun will rise
for you today.
Memory Verse: Psalms 50:51 “And call upon me in the day
of trouble: I will deliver thee, and thou shall glorify me.”