April 25
Chron 7-9
The Ten Virgins
Text: Matthew 25:1-13
study today centers on the story of the ten virgins. This is a
story that we all know very well. We have always heard people
tell us that the reason the foolish virgins lost out was because
they had no oil. That is, they had no Holy Spirit. However, the
Lord revealed to me a different perspective entirely. Looking
at these ten virgins, we will discover that all of them had certain
things in common. First, they all had their lamps and when they
were leaving their homes, their lamps were burning so that all
had light. If they had light, this is another way of Saying they
had Salvation. When you are saved, you say you have been brought
into the light. Second, they were virgins. This means they were
pure and sanctified. They were not useless people. They were neither
fornicators nor adulterers. This implies that not only were they
born-again, they were also sanctified. The fact that they were
virgins meant that they came from good homes where their parents
taught them to keep themselves pure until the day of marriage.
In other words, you can say they came from a good Church where
they taught all the doctrines of the Bible. They practiced all
that they heard. Third, there was oil in all their lamps. In addition
to the oil in their lamps, the wise ones took extra vessels of
oil. However, all of them had oil in their lamps; otherwise, the
lamps would not be burning. This implies that they were all baptized
in the Holy Spirit because the oil stands for the Holy Spirit.
Moreover, these ten virgins were chosen because, definitely, there
were more than ten virgins in the nation. The Bible tells us in
Matthew 20:16 that many are called but few are chosen. Also, they
were all watching for the coming of the Bridegroom just as we
are watching for the second coming of Jesus Christ. Furthermore,
the Bible says because the bridegroom tarried, they all slumbered
and slept. Both the wise as well as the foolish slumbered and
slept. What lesson can we learn from the foregoing? Some good
church folks may miss the rapture not because of lack of preparation
but for failure to be ready when, suddenly, the Son of Man shall
Memory Verse: Matt. 20:16 - “So the last shall be first,
and the first last: for many be called, but few chosen.”