February 12
25 - 27
Wrestling in prayer
Text: Genesis 32:24-28
we shall undertake some character studies. We shall examine the
lives of a woman and a man. These two characters represent all
men in all places. Are you a man? You can choose to be a champion.
Are you a woman? You can also be a champion. In Genesis 32:24-28,
we meet a unique champion called Jacob. He knew that there was
only one day separating him from death. He knew he was already
in the ring and there was nowhere to run. The Bible said Jacob
was left alone. Many of us have been fighting some battles also.
Jacob was left alone and, suddenly, a man began to wrestle with
him. Jacob knew that if he won the fight, the rest of his days
would be filled with joy. Jacob lost the initial rounds but he
held on. The other champion decided to dislocate his leg to stop
Jacob from fighting on. A champion is not unfamiliar with pains.
In I Samuel 1:1-20, we have the story of Hannah. Only God knows
how many rounds she lost to the devil. Satan planted someone in
her house to keep telling her she was a loser. One day, Hannah
came to church and resolved not to go home until the battle was
settled. The Bible says she prayed so violently that she became
inaudible. Many of us do not understand this clause. If we think
that the woman was praying silently it means we do not know true
pain. I did not know true pain myself until I witnessed a male
circumcision. The child cried so much until he became inaudible.
His mouth and his whole body shook yet no sound was coming out.
When agony gets to a stage where you cry without you making any
sound, there is bound to be a breakthrough. The problem with many
of us, and why the devil has been winning, is that we are not
serious with our prayers. We still believe that if God does not
do it today, He would do it tomorrow. There are, however some
of us who have been pushed to the wall and who know it has to
be today! It cannot be tomorrow. When we get to this stage of
desperation, we would do unusual things, say unusual prayers.
We would shake the heavens to such an extent that God would intervene
speedily. Change your situation through prayer today.
Verse: Jeremiah 33:3 - “Call unto me, and I will answer
thee, and shew great and mighty things, which thou knowest not” |