February 21
17 - 19
The Siege
Text: Acts 12:1-9
are moments in life when everything seems to nose-dive to the
lowest condition At such times, the victim is hemmed in by every
kind of problem which has never plagued mankind. Whenever there
is a siege there appears to be no respite if any angle. But, no
matter how tough a siege is, Jesus can handle it. Do not try to
handle it on your own, turn it over to the One who can handle
all circumstances. If you are under a siege you need divine intervention.
If your business is under siege, there will be no new contracts,
no matter how hard you try. You begin to spend your savings. Since
new contracts are no longer coming, you would begin to lose customers
when nobody patronizes you again. When your savings begin to dwindle,
you would begin to lose workers because of idleness. You might
even go ahead to sell off your equipment. As soon as a bank is
classified as distressed, depositors would begin to withdraw their
savings. Nobody lodges new deposits. Soon, the workers begin to
leave. If you are a child of God and your business is under siege,
the One who can take care of any siege will intervene. How do
we know a family that is under siege? If they are careful, they
would discover that no new babies are being born. Wives suddenly
become barren, maybe after having a child or two. They would also
notice that young people in the family are regularly. They would
also notice that sickness and disease are common among almost
all members of the family. This would be accompanied by occurrences
of Money-consuming events. These can come in the form of hospital
bills accidents, mysterious liabilities, on funeral after the
other, etc. In the family, there will be insecurity and tension.
This could lead to regular quarrels, over nothing. If this describes
your family, and you are a child of God, things will change. What
about individual who is under siege? You would know that you are
under siege if, suddenly, you discover that nobody is helping
you. Instead, people are demanding from you. You will also notice
that your income remains fixed but your expenses keep increasing.
For example, you may find yourself spending too much money on
your car due to regular breakdown. Your equipment or appliances
may break down at the same time. The situation is worse when you
are under spiritual siege.
Verse: Matthew 11:28 - “Come unto me all ye that labour
and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.”