Open Heavens Series OneOpen Heavens Series Two
I Sam 13 - 15
Toddler Zeal
March 26                                      I Sam 13 - 15

Topic: Thy Kingdom Come
Text: Matthew 25:34-40

The Kingdom of heaven is not meant for those who are full of themselves. Self-opinionated, pompous and heady people cannot get there. You may ask, “Who are those that will make heaven?” Heaven is a place prepared for prepared people. Jesus stated categorically that we must be converted and take up the nature of newborn babies before we can be qualified for heaven. Our hearts must be malleable, soft and tender like that of newborn babies. We must be poor in spirit if we must enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Those who are hard-hearted, stubborn, and impervious to correction, unrepentant and are filled with feelings of self-satisfaction are heading towards hell, not heaven. The poor in spirit are the humble and those who accept that their spiritual lives need to be developed further. The one who believes that he is poor in spirit knows that his spirit can still be developed further. He knows he can grow spiritually. There are many Christians who feel they already know it all. Those who will enter into that Kingdom, the Bible says, are those who will be on the right hand on the last day. What did they do when they were here on earth? They took care of the brethren of Jesus Christ. This means your contribution in your house fellowship may make your entry into Heaven easier, especially as you minister to those who are in need. In the house fellowships, it is easier to know those who are in need of help because of the closeness or physical affinity. Obviously, you must be born again before you can even see the Kingdom. This is what Jesus Christ told Nicodemus. If you are not born again, there is no way for you. You cannot even see the Kingdom not to talk of entering into it. But if you repent of your sin, you will see it and enter it. Get prepared for the heavenly Kingdom today.

Memory Verse: I Corinthians 10:31 - “Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God.”

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