Isa 4 - 6
'I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, From whence cometh my
help.' (Ps121:1)
READ: 2 Kings 13:20-21
After his sickness, the man who had the double portion anointing
of Elijah died. Is it possible for such a man to die? Hebrews
9:27 says everyone has an appointment with death. If you came
into this world, one day you will have to leave. And that poses
a challenge: Serve God now, while you are still full of life.
Glorify him by accomplishing the perfect plan he has for you.
Ask him for the resources to fulfill your vision.
Elisha died. General Overseers
and apostles will also die. Elisha died, but the God of Elisha
will never die. He lives forever. Psalm 46:1 says he is ever present
to help us whenever we are in need. That is why our focus should
be on God, not on man. If you put your hope in a man, and he dies
before he can help you, your expectation will probably die with
him. That is why some wives would rather follow their husbands
into death, if the husbands were the breadwinners, than try to
sustain the children on here own.
The widow in the prophet's tale
faced a similar situation. Her husband had a lot of debt. After
his death, the creditor moved in. his plan was to take the widow's
two sons to compensate for the debt. But thank God for his prophet.
She met him and God not only paid the debt, he blessed her abundantly
(2 Kings 4:1-7).
Hebrews 12:2 says you should focus
on Jesus. He is the only one who can help you at anytime, in any
place. Don't be afraid, you will make it. Look up to God. Take
your gaze off the problem. God can use any man to help you, but
let your trust not be in any of them, but in God.
When faced with problems, do you trust in God, or in your
own abilities?
Friends and relations? Rate your confidence in God. |