'And have no fellowship with the unfruitful Works of darkness,
but rather reprove them.' (Eph 5:11)
Numbers 33:50-56
led the children of Israel out of Egypt after more than 400
years of bondage. When they were reroute the Promised Land,
God, through Moses, gave them clear instructions about his plans
for the. According to our text, God told them to drive out all
the inhabitants of the land and to destroy all their symbols
of idolatry. Verse 55 says: 'But if ye will not drive out the
in habitants of the land from before you; then it shall come
to pass, that those which ye let remain of them shall be pricks
in your eyes, and thorns in your sides, and shall vex you in
the land wherein ye dwell.'
by the time the Israelites had begun to divide the land, many
of them refused to fulfill that command. They thought it was
all right to let the other nations dwell among them. Judah retained
the Jobsites (Josh 15:63). Ephraim and Manasseh retained the
Canaanites. In order to satisfy their conscience, they used
them as slaves (Josh 16:10).
the Israelites knew what was going on, they were admiring the
ungodly lifestyle of their servants. After a while they started
having sexual relations with them. Little by little idolatry,
rebellion against God and other sins took root, and before long
there was complete moral depravity. The other nations soon became
a perpetual source of trouble. In the end, God had to fulfill
his promise in Numbers 33:56. The nation of Israel was eventually
driven out of their homes for the same reasons than the earlier
you received Jesus? Praise God! To avoid returning to sin, you
must wipe out all the 'Canaanites' in your life, as well as
their images and altars. You cannot stay with crowds who are
involved in immorality, fraud and robbery. You should destroy
things, which remind you of your old lifestyle, such as pornographic
material and objects relating to the occult. If you retain them,
they will eventually destroy you.
Make a decision to uproot and destroy every stronghold
of 'Canaan' in your life. Begin to take action.