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Isa 64 - 66

Toddler Zeal
August 22                                       Isa 64 - 66


MEMORISE: 'The LORD shall fight for you, And ye shall hold your peace.' (EXOD 14:14)
READ: Exodus 14: 13-14

'The LORD shall fight for you, and ye shall hold your peace' (Exod 14:14). The moment you become a child of God, you hand over the reigns of your life to him, giving him control of everything, including you assets and liabilities. He also takes over your battles! From the instant that you become his child, your enemies become his enemies. They, who fight you, are in fact fighting him!

During the siege of Samaria, the children of God didn't have to do a thing in battle. By the time the four lepers got to the enemy's camp, God had fought and won the battle for his people. All that was left was for them to gather the spoils! In 1 Samuel 17;45-47, David told Goliath that the battle was the Lord's and God did the rest in a matter of minutes. In 2 Chronicles 20:15, a Levite by the name of Nathaniel assured Jehoshaphat that the battle was not his to fight, but God's.

Why? God knows you cannot fight and win unseen forces. By the time you feel the blow, they're gone and you can't return it. Besides, Satan, when he fell, was not stripped of the powers God had given him when he still served as Lucifer, the covering cherub. When he fell, he also stole from Adam the power to rule as the god of this world. Therefore he would easily destroy any man.

Jesus Christ won a decisive victory over the principalities and powers of darkness and openly paraded Satan and his host for all to see. Jesus also recovered the power to rule the world. That is why he said: 'All power in heaven and on earth has been given to me' (Matt 28:18). When you are born again, Jesus comes and lives within you. When demons try to attack you, they will see the one who defeated them in their headquarters in hell, and they will have to bow down to Jesus in you. They know that he is greater than all of them put together.

Why not turn your life's battles in the workplace, school, finance, family and even the church over to Jesus? He has never lost a battle. But if you take up the battle yourself, he will withdraw. Be wise enough to hand over every area of your life to him today.

Quit seeing the battles before you as your battles.
Entrust them to the able hand of God, so that he can help you.

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