Open Heavens Series OneOpen Heavens Series Two
Rom 1 - 4
Toddler Zeal
July 10                                           Rom 1 - 4


MEMORISE: ‘And Jesus came and spake unto them, saying, “All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth.’” (Matt 28: 18)
READ: Isaiah 40: 28- 31

According to our reading, believers in Christ are likened to eagles. We shall try and look a little deeper to learn a few things about eagles. There are two major types of eagles: the Royal Eagle and the Golden Eagle. The Royal Eagle is the king of all birds. It is very strong and powerful. It has dominion and flies with authority. Believers similarly share the endowments and features you find in this wonderful bird. It is my prayer that you live up to God’s expectations and provision for you.

Genesis 1: 27- 28 says God has empowered man and given him dominion over the fish of the sea, the birds of the air and over everything that moves on the surface of the earth. That is tremendous authority. When God invested this in Adam, he became the god of the earth. God’s plan was that his descendants after him would reign in the same way.

Imagine: everything that lived on earth was in submission to Adam. All the sea creatures, including the marine kingdom, were to be subject to him. All the birds, the sun, moon and stars and the prince of the power of the air were under his dominion. If Adam had been fully conscious of this great position, he would have been much more careful.

Satan took advantage of Eve and deceived her and in the process she and her husband committed high treason and fell from grace to grass. Satan stole the power from Adam. But thank God, Jesus came to the human realm and fought and defeated the devil and recovered what he had stolen from Adam.

‘And Jesus came and spake unto them, saying, “All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth” (Matt 28:18). Based on this, you should no longer be a slave to sin or Satan. Your enemies should no longer be chasing you. You should arise and stand in the authority Jesus has vested in you. Begin to rule over situations, circumstances, events and people by decree. You’ve got the power: use it! (Luke 10:19).

Allow the Lord to empower you to live in dominion from today
and let every opposing power and stranger submit to you in his Name.

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