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1 Chron 27 - 29
Toddler Zeal
July 9                                         1 Chron 27 - 29


MEMORISE: ‘Talk no more so exceeding proudly; let not arrogancy come out of your mouth: for the LORD is a God of knowledge, and by him actions are weighed.’ (1 Sam 2:3)
READ: Exodus 20: 3- 6

‘Talk no more so exceeding proudly; let not arrogancy come out of your mouth: for the LORD is a God of knowledge, and by him actions are weighed’ (1 Sam 2:3).

Our God is omniscient. He has all knowledge. He knows everything perfectly. Psalm 147:4 says that God tells the number of the stars in the galaxies. Human begins are yet to know exactly the number of stars present in the cosmos. There are billions of them. Yet God knows and calls each one by name.

If God can pay so much attention to the stars, he will surely pay us greater attention, because unlike the inanimate and other living things, God created us in his own image. Isaiah 43: 1 says God has called us by name. So he knows my name. He knows yours too. In fact he is interested in your name.

The name you bear can either facilitate or hinder God’s plan for your life. Abram means ‘exalted father’. This conflicted with God’s plan to make him the father of nations. So God changed his name to Abraham, meaning ‘father of a multitude’ (Gen 17: 4-5). He also changed Jacob (supplanter, chat) to Israel (a prince with God) in order to affect his destiny for good. Are you bearing a name that limits you today? Do people call you barren, poor, sick, a failure? You are most fortunate because God your Father is a specialist at changing names. Ask him to change your name today.

God also knows my birthplace and the exact date of my birth. Your place of birth has a lot to do with your roots. Many problems encountered later in life may be as a result of where one was born (Ex 20: 3-6). With such knowledge, God is able to look at your roots and correct whatever is wrong, to affect your future for good. Go to him today in faith and invite him to straighten any crookedness in your ancestry (roots) for a desirable future.

Ask your Father to change ay name you are presently called contrary to his will; and to let his favour encompass you from this month onwards.

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