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1 Chron 24 - 26
Toddler Zeal  

July 8                                         1 Chron 24 - 26


MEMORISE: ‘Verily, I say unto you, whatsoever ye shall bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever ye shall loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven”’ (Matt 18:18)
READ: Joshua 5: 16- 20

There are two types of miracles: the ‘raw’ and the ‘cooked’. An example of a ‘raw’ miracle can be found in Exodus 17: 8- 12. Here, god delivered the Israelites from the well-armed Amalekites, yet they had to fight hard to obtain the victory. A cooked miracles, on the other hand, can be seen in Joshua 6:16-20. in this passage, God delivered Jericho into the hands of the Israelites. All they had to do was shout and the walls fell flat and they took over the city. This was a ready-made miracle.

Miracles do not emanate from man but from God. The vessels used are only the channels, do not source. Never give glory to man, but to God. Since God is the origin of all miracles (and not magic), to be a recipient, you have to satisfy his terms for each miracle. For instance, if you want deliverance from sickness, then you must obey him according to Exdous 15:26. this is also required is you desire peace like a river (Is 48:18). Pleasing God daily is required from you if you want to turn your enemies into friends (Prov 16:7)

To receive ready-made miracles every day, you have no fulfil three conditions. The first is to appreciate the God of miracles. Unless he performs the miracle, neither you nor anybody else can do anything (Ps 127:1). ‘”Verily, I say unto you, whatsoever ye shall bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever ye shall loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven”’ (Matt 18:18).

The right interpretation of this verse is that you will bind on earth what has already been bound in heaven. It is what has been loosed in heaven that you can loose. A proper understanding of this will prevent wasted efforts. Jesus said as he sees his father work so does he. When he sees him loose somebody, in the spirit realm, Jesus will go and loose him physically. Ever wondered why Jesus healed only one sick man at the pool of Bethesda? It is simple because his Father would have told him that this man was the only candidate for healing on that day. Appreciate God for his blessings and miracles in your life. And fulfil his other conditions for a life of daily miracles.

Intercede for someone who needs a miracle.
Pray that you might be a daily beneficiary of God’s miracles.

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