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1 Chron 4 - 6

Toddler Zeal
July 2                                            1 Chron 4 - 6


MEMORISE: ‘Evil shall slay the wicked: and they the hate the righteous shall be desolate.’ (Ps 34: 21)
READ: 2 Kgs 19: 32-36

Noise usually constitutes a type of disturbance most people do not want to hear. But when used in spiritual warfare, it is a fiery weapon, more potent than bombs! In 2 Kings 7: 3-8, four lepers approached the enemy camp but found no one there! When God decides to assist you, it can take him just one night to empty your enemy’s camp. In 2 Kings 19: 32-36 king Senacherib, a terror to nations, decided it was time to deal with the children of God. He sent a messenger to Hezekiah asking him to surrender and become his willing captive. Hezekiah took the letter to God – all God did was send just one angel and 185000 soldiers perished in one night! Your enemies will hear a noise.

‘Evil shall slay the wicked: and they that hate the righteous shall be desolate’ (Ps 34:21). There are many wicked servants of Christ, who enjoy oppressing fellow Christian workers and pastors serving under them. Such wicked believers become a thorn in the flesh of their subordinates by making life miserable for them. Do not worry. They too will hear a noise. Jesus says concerning his evil servants that they will end up in outer darkness, where they will forever weep and gnash their teeth. Are you a wicked believer? Better repent now, before it’s too late.

It is a dangerous thing to fight against God’s children. Such a person will become desolate (empty) because he is actually fighting the God you serve, not you. The camp of the Syrians was empty because they heard a noise. Your enemies will hear the noise that will banish them from your life. Noise is very powerful in spiritual warfare. The devil knows that; which is why he has made some churches as quiet as a graveyard, yet the dead people there brag about their dignified service. Come out from the congregation of the dead! To prove you are alive, you should make a joyful noise. The wall of Jericho heard a noise by the Israelites and they crumbled (Josh 6:20). Three kings surrounded Jehosaphat with their armies but when they heard a noise, they were suddenly reprogrammed to fight and destroy each other. Make a joyful shout of Halleujah! and all the Jericho walls surrounding you will crumble.

Ask the Lord to let the noise from heaven forcefully defeat
everything and everyone tormenting your life.

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