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1 Chron 1 - 3
Toddler Zeal

July 1                                          1 Chron 1 - 3


MEMORISE: ‘Wherefore, I put thee in remembrance that thou stir up the gift of God, which is in thee by the putting on of my hands.’ (2 Tim 1:6)
READ: Matthew 19: 13-15

After Elisha took ill, the king visited him on his sick bed. He wept because he knew that the real defender of Isreal, besides God, was Elisha so he came to give honour to whom honour was due. He valued Elisha so much that he called him ‘father’. Every one of us needs a spiritual father – those ministers who are founders of churches and ministries, but who are not responsible to anyone, face serious dangers as they will come face to face with Satan without any backing. When the king came to meet Elisha, the prophet asked him to shoot the arrows. Joining hands symbolizes partnership. In this case there was a partnership between a prophet and a king. God is calling you into true partnership with him.

‘How God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost and with power: who went about doing good, and healing all that were oppressed of the devil; for God was with him’ (Acts 10: 38). It was because Jesus was in partnership with the Holy Ghost that h could do all that he did. When God lays his hands on yours, you will begin to do what only God can do. Peter became very successful the moment he partnered with Jesus. When God’s hands touch yours, all kinds of miracles will begin to happen through you. You will cease to be ordinary. Surrender to him today and let him become your senior partner.

Besides this, you can lay hands on people in order to bless them, as Jesus blessed the children (Matt 19: 13-15). You can impart something precious to another person, as Moses imparted wisdom into Joshua (Deut 34:9). Laying hands can provide strength, succour an supply. In 1 Kings 18: 45-46, when God laid hands on Elijah, he outran Ahab’s chariot. When God lays hands on you, your weakness will suddenly give way to strength. It also brings inspiration on singers, as in the case of Elisha (2 Kgs 3: 14-20). It brings healing and recovery (Mark 16: 17:18). It demonstrates God’s compassion (Matt 8:1-3) and can also commission or ordain ministers, as in Acts 13:1-3. ask God to lay his hands on you today. Tell him how helpless and weak you are without him. Tell him how much you need him today!

Evil spirits can also be transferred through the laying on of hands.
be mindful of who you allow to lay hands on you.

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