11 - 14
‘Wherefore, brethren, covet to prophesy, and forbid not
to speak with tongues.’ (1 Cor 14: 39)
Isaiah 8: 18-22
‘Wherefore, brethren, covet to prophesy, and forbid not
t speak with tongues’ (1 Cor 14:39). Every child of God
is encouraged to desire the gift of prophecy. The Holy Spirit
reveals past, present and future events through prophecy, visions
and dreams. It is beautiful to hear from God. There are three
major sources of prophecy: the Holy Ghost, a lying spirit (demons)
and the human spirit.
believes not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they
are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the
world’ (1 John 4:1). This verse warns us not to accept
prophecies from just anyone. Your have to subject both the prophecy
and the prophets to certain Scriptural tests. Where these fail
to meet up with the standard of God’s Word, discard them.
To test a prophecy, take these steps:
if it aggress with Scripture. Isaiah 8:20 says any prophecy
that contradicts the Scripture is full of darkness and should
be avoided. If someone tells you God said to divorce your wife
and marry the ‘right’ woman he is a false prophet.
A true prophecy cannot contradict God’s Word. Analyse
the spirit of the message. How was it given? According to revelation
19:10, any prophecy that does not glorify Jesus, revolves around
salvation or is contrary to what Jesus teaches, is from the
pit of hell. Similarly, consider the accompanying conditions.
In 2 Chronicles 7:14 God gave four conditions before he would
be three things. People like to hear sweet things. They don’t
like to hear of the need to meet with conditions.
prophecy must also be publicly acknowledged – other prophets
can judge the prophecy. The one who tells you not to let anyone
hear his prophecy may just be performing an illegal operation.
Besides this, check out the vessel. What are his fruit? If the
prophet is an adulterer, a prayerless person, a glutton or a
self-made prophet, it is likely those prophecies are not from
God. Watch that prophet and check out for the fulfillment of
previous prophecies. If a prophecy is from God, he will bring
it to-pass. Do not allow anyone to cage you in the name of prophecy.
Do not let false prophets manipulate you. Stick to the Word
of God.
Ask God to neutralise and reverse every prophecy working
Against his will for your life, by the blood of Jesus.