June 29
Hos 8 - 10
‘For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of
power, and of love and of a sound mind.’ (2 Tim 1:7)
READ: Mark
11: 22-24
The city of Samaria was under siege by the Syrian army, which
brought about untold hardship. Nobody was bold enough to approach
the city gate, which was under the control of the enemy. Not
even the king or his army! They were so afraid of their enemies
that thy did not dare. Fear can be a very terrible thing! Four
lepers who were banished from the community realized that their
death was inevitable, whether they stayed in camp without access
to the other Israelites or whether they went into the enemy
territory. Finally they ventured into the camp of the enemy,
only to find no one there!
things that cause us to fear never take place. All they do is
threaten to happen. Other events occur differently to how we
thought they would be. While they are programmed spiritually
to happen in a particular way, Jesus has empowered us to change
and redesign or redirect them, which means they may even end
up as the opposite of what we thought. In other cases, God’s
grace is released to enable us to bear what happens. So why
worry unnecessarily? Those who live in fear of man, the devil
and negative events are tormented. They need deliverance. In
Samaria, the people concluded their fate before anything had
happened –whereas they were not actually going to meet
with even one enemy!
wicked flee when no man puresueth: but the righteous are bold
as a lion’ (Prov 28:1). Child of Go, are you running from
imaginary enemies? Who told you would fail if you attempted
that exam again? Who told you could not make it in life? Do
not write your obituary before you die.
handover your fears to the Lord and receive boldness to confront
those fears. Jesus says if you do not love him to the point
off dying, you are not yet ready to serve him. That means your
service is only lip service: Any day a threat comes to you on
account of the Word, you will deny him like Peter. Repent today
and put your faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. Go out and confront
your fear and you are most likely to find it gone even before
you get there.
Resist the spirit of fear sent into your heart. Command
every stronghold of fear, discouragement and disappointment
to b broken now.