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‘When Jesus heard that, he said, ‘This sickness
is not unto death, but of the glory of god, that the Son of
God might be glorified thereby.”’ (John 11:4)
Kings 20: 1-7
Some sickness are fatal and some not. Those not ‘unto
death’ usually have a purpose and the name of the Lord
is magnified. According to Mark 5:21-42, Jarius’ daughter
was sick and died. ‘When Jesus heard that, he said, “This
sickness is not unto death, but for the glory of God, that the
Son of God might be glorified thereby” (John 11:4). The
purpose of her sickness was to bring her father to Christ. The
sickness of one of my children led me to Christ. The sickness
of Lazarus was not unto death but for certain reasons: to glorify
God and also that Jesus could prove to the world that he was
indeed who he said he was – the Resurrection and the Life.
Jesus always stood by his word and lived up to his names and
To prove he is the Bread of Life, he fed about
5 000 people with just five loaves of bread and two fishes,
yet the leftovers were more than what he started with. As the
Light of the World, Jesus saw a man who was blind from birth
and gave him sight. To prove he is the Way, he ensures that
no devil is able to block your path by making a way for you
out of the woods. Jesus is dependable. In which situation do
you need his touch today? Call on him and it will change. Moreover
certain sicknesses are unto death. This, according to Hebrews
9:27, is by divine appointment. That is how I know I cannot
die before my appointed date. If you live a life pleasing to
God, eat heathly and rest when you should, you cannot die before
your appointment with God. In fact, as he told peter shortly
before his death (2 Pet 1: 13-14), the Lord will tell you of
your appointment before the time. Then you will choose whether
you are ready for it or want it deferred (Phil 1: 23-24).
Hezekiah was told when his appointment would
be but he was not ready, so he appealed to the Court of Heaven
and was awarded an additional 15 years. Do not waste your time
thinking about death. You will not die before your time. Whether
you live or die, all things are yours (1 Cor 3: 21-23). Some
will ride death as a horse into glory. Those who have to go
before the rapture will be attending the bachelor’s party
before the Great Wedding, while others will go at rapture. Decide,
and prepare for your exit into eternity.
Command every spirit of death programmed against you, your
and my area of your life, to return to sender in Jesus’