Open Heavens Series OneOpen Heavens Series Two
2 Chron 33 - 36
Toddler Zeal
July 24                                         2 Chron 33 - 36


MEMORISE: ‘And the things that thou hast heard of me among many witness, the same commit thou to faithful men, who shall be able to teach others also.’ (2 Tim 2:2)
READ: 2 Kings 7: 10 – 20

The siege in your life is over, in Jesus’ Name. From the story in our reading, there are certain lessons we can learn that are still relevant today to our walk with God. The first is being a link to blessings. The reason God did not immediately take us to heaven after our salvation was so that we too could be used of him in converting others.

You cannot tell what your convert will become tomorrow. Every great man of God, every general in the army of the living God, was converted by somebody. If you are fortunate in having such a person as your convert and God later uses that convert to bring thousands, even millions to the Lord, you will have reason to rejoice! Somebody converted Billy Graham who became a world evangelist. Your next convert could be another Billy Graham – you cannot tell.

In our reading we see a chain of activities. The lepers informed the porter at the city gate. The porter told other porters inside the city. They went to inform the King’s household and the chain continued until all the people arrived at where the food was. Paul charged Timothy to commit everything he had taught him to the faithful brethren, who should in turn teach others. The blessing must not end with you. Pass it on. In your family, Jesus should not end with you –spread him around.

A driver once preached to his female boss and she received Christ. She in turn preached to her elder sister who also received him. Later this elder sister planted a church which grew so much that it covered three states. The foundation of the church can indirectly be attributed to the driver who started the chain. Start your own chain today. You might convert another Paul. Churches may begin through your converts. Start from where you are. Spread the good news around!

Ask God to make you a blessing to many others
and locate you in a continuous chain of blessing.

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