July 25
Ezra 1 - 4
‘Lift up your eyes on high, and behold who hath created
these things, that bringeth out their host by number: he calleth
them all by names
by the greatness of his might, for that he is strong in power;
not one faileth.’ (Isa 40: 26)
Isaiah 40: 12- 18
up your eyes on high, and behold who hath created these things,
that bringeth out their host by number: he calleth them all
by names by the greatness of his might, for that he is strong
in power; not one faileth’ (Isa 40: 26). Have you ever
thought of how big God is? Many of us believe he is the same
size, height and complexion as us. No wonder that we think of
him as our ‘mate’. Some think that he is no different
from idols in size and power. How wrong!
is so big it may be difficult to comprehend him. But let us
take a look at the Scriptures and see how he is described. Our
reading says God has a hole in his hand and with it he measures
the seas and oceans of the world. How big do you think that
hand is? It also says that he calculates the sands of the earth
in a measuring basket and weighs the mountains like Everest
and Kilimanjaro on scales, and the hills in a balance.
15 says the countries of the world are like a drop (of water)
in a bucket before God. To God all these nations are like specks
of dust on the scales. They are nothing before him and he regards
all the countries of the earth as less than nothing and worthless
(v 17).
26 tells us that after creating the stars, he gave each of them
names. Astronomes say there are over 40 sextillion stars that
are suns to other planets. To arrive at sextillion, you first
go to million, billion, trillion, quadrillion, quintillion.
Yet God calls these over 40 sextillion stars by name. And he
sustains not only the stars but everything else he has made
by his Word (Heb 1:3).
that God who also created all things on earth, in heaven and
everywhere is on your side, do you think you can lose any battle?
Bow down and worship the true Majesty on high. If you have a
revelation of who God is, you will be strong and do exploits.
Pray that God will reveal himself in a greater way to you,
and all your children so that you can have the strength to do