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Acts 24 - 26
Toddler Zeal
June 20                                          Acts 24 - 26


MEMORISE: ‘For I, saith the LORD, will be unto her a wall of fire around about, and will be the glory in the midst of her.’ (Zech 2:5)
READ: 1 Sam 19: 19-24

When king Saul sought David’s life, David ran to Samuel. The prophet had no physical weapon. Yet he had formidable protection, unseen to physical eyes. Saul sent three groups of soldiers in quick succession. Their mission was to arrest David. The Holy Spirit, the Great Policeman, arrested the soldiers one after another and turned them into prophets. Their earlier mission disappeared from their hearts as they faced their new assignment. Any enemy programmed to harm you will forget his mission and he reassigned by the Holy Ghost to favour you, in Jesus’ Name.

When Saul decided to come after David himself, God arrested and disgraced him. Imagine a king lying stark naked before his subjects all day. God will disgrace your chief enemies and publicly clothe them with shame. God has unlimited ways of dealing with enemies of his children. Let’s look at some. ‘For I, saith the LORD, will be unto her a wall of fire round abut, and will be the glory in the midst of her’ (Zech 2:5).

This method entails God building an invisible wall of fire around you, which no witch can penetrate. Another method is that God can neutralize the weapons of your enemies and suspend their ability to inflict harm on you (Is 54:17). This was what God did when Daniel was thrown into the lions’ den and the three Hebrew youths were thrown into the fire. According to Psalm 23:5, another way God can deal with your enemies is by paralyzing them. By this, they will see God blessing you right under their noses but will be unable to do anything about it because God would have broken their backbones. A fourth method is by complete annihilation. There are certain enemies who should not live and they are destroyed, for example Pharaoh and his horsemen.

The fifth method uproots them without killing him. That is just to warn them (Acts 13: 6-12). The sixth disgraces them, as God did to king Saul. The seventh converts them, as God did with Saul of Tarsus. Remain in Christ and stay in the Rock. Then ask God today to deal with your enemies in any of the above-mentioned ways.

Ask God to be wall of fire and shield everything
he has given you, according to Zechariah 2:5.

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