Open Heavens Series OneOpen Heavens Series Two
Acts 27 - 28
Toddler Zeal
June 21                                                       Acts 27 - 28


MEMORISE: ‘A man’s gift maketh room for him and bringeth him before great men.’ (Prov 18:16)
READ: 2 Chronicles 1: 6-11

The candidate of breakthrough is one who is hardworking and a great giver. If you desire a breakthrough in any area of your life, yet you are lazy and stingy, you are wasting your time; you are not yet tired of that negative situation. Abraham was a great giver. He was not stingy. He realized his source of wealth, protection and restoration was God. He did not withhold anything he had from God: not even Isaac, his only son. No wonder today he is the father of all believers in Christ Jesus. The widows of Zarephath gave her last meal to Elijah to provoke her breakthrough.

On his part, Solomon made his breakthrough with a record offering: he offered a thousand burnt offerings and made an unusual request, no based on selfishness (2 Chron 1:6-11). Paul paid a price for his anointing: he gave up his PhD and all his past achievements to Jesus (Phil 3:7-8). No wonder none of his peers could stand up to him in Spiritual breakthrough!

Hannah returned her only son to God the Giver and had five more children (1 Sam 1:24-28; 2:20-21). If she had kept Samuel to herself, she would have had just one son. She gave her only sons and finally had six. Are you sure you want a breakthrough? What have you given that cost you in order to provoke your blessing?

It is how you treat God that will determine how he will treat you. If you refuse to give to him, you block him from releasing your blessing to you. Of course, he will not cut off certain ordinary blessing, like access to the sun and rain. If you give stingingly and calculatedly to him, he will return to you using your own measure. So even in breakthroughs, there are different measures. If you want God to give you an international breakthrough but you keep back foreign currencies and sow to him only in Naira, sorry, but God will give you your breakthrough I Naria.

You have to choose either to provoke your breakthrough sacrificially or maintain your status quo. Why not yield to God and do what others have not done and turn your life around for the best?

There is a kind of giving that can turn your entire life around.
Ask God to show you how this relates to you.

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