'Now then we are ambassadors for Christ, As though God did beseech
you by us: we pray you In Christ's stead, be ye reconciled to
God.' (2 Cor 5: 20)
Psalm 23:1-6
Acts 3:1-6, when peter and John were on their way to the temple,
they met a man who had been lame from birth. He was at the gate
begging for alms. When they were about to enter, he asked for
alms and received the miracle of his life!
lame man simply asked for money. He was brought every day to
the gate of the temple. That meant it was not the first time
peter and John had seen him. They might have given him alms
in the past, but that day they were tired of it. They knew giving
him money daily could not truly solve his problem. They were
dealing with the symptoms but not the cause. More importantly,
that this cripple chose no other spot to beg but the front of
the church was embarrassing. It was a big reproach that day
in and day out, he was there. He was silently saying that either
God was not there or that he was no longer able to heal the
other disciples were unconcerned but peter and John were angry.
They felt challenged and took it to God in prayer. As they came
for prayers at the ninth hour (3 pm). The man asked for alms
again and they burst out, 'Man, look at us very well. We have
no more money to give you. It is all a waste. But there is something
we can give to you that can solve your problem. In the Name
of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, rise up and walk.' And the miracle
took place. That was the beginning of revival.
those in need come to you for help, what do you give them? Even
if you give them a million Naira, one day it will be exhausted.
But if you give them Jesus, before assisting financially, they
will have a permanent solution to their problems. Jesus offers
rest to the weary (Matt 11:28) and promises to save and take
care of all those who look up to him (Isa 45:22). The time has
come to give your relatives, neighbors and friends the true
solution they need. Give them Jesus.
Present Jesus as the first offer of assistance
You render to anyone from now on.