Open Heavens Series OneOpen Heavens Series Two
Neh 10 - 13
Toddler Zeal
September 4                                          Neh 10 - 13


MEMORISE: 'And Jesus said unto him, "No man, having put his hand to the plough, and looking back, is fit for the kingdom of God." ' (Luke9:62)
READ: 1 Kings 19:19-21

Most of the time, whenever God is taking someone to a place of honors, the devil will try to drive him in the opposite direction by erecting stumbling blocks in his path. What the believer does with the stumbling blocks determines whether he will arrive at God's point of destiny for him, or not.

In 2 Kings 7:1-20, Samaria was besieged by enemies and there was much hardship. Elisha prophesied that abundance would come within the next 24 hours. The king's adviser did not believer it but at the time prophesied by Elisha, abundance came. The king had appointed his adviser to man the gate and he was so surprised at the provision that he became confused, obstructing those who wanted to partake of the blessing. So they pushed him out of the way and walked over him and he died. Every stumbling block on your way to victory must die.

In today's reading, we see Elisha. He was a very successful farmer. But God wanted to make him a great prophet and his farming stood in the way. One day Elijah met Elisha ploughing the ground and threw his mantle on him, to confirm God's call upon his life. Elisha loved farming but he knew there was no way he could combine his work and his calling. So he tried to decide what to do.

One day Elisha took his oxen, roasted them and made a great feast. There he announced his decision to his parents, relatives and friends and bade them goodbye. He destroyed what he had used for business so that he could not return to it. Once you decide to follow Jesus, certain people such as friends and relatives may try to stand in your way. Attachment to certain habits and deeds will also stand in your way. Jesus says that no matter how precious they are - they may be like eyes or your right hand to you- if they are standing in the way of God's expected will, cut them off. After giving their lives to Christ, some people hide their pornographic magazines under the bed so they can still have a look at them once in a while. Such people are not yet ready to follow Christ. Break every bridge that links you with sin. Then you are ready for Jesus.

What are the secret bridges that link you up with your past, sinful lifestyle?
Destroy them now.

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