Open Heavens Series OneOpen Heavens Series Two
Esth 1 - 3
Toddler Zeal
September 5                                    Esth 1 - 3


MEMORISE: 'If any man's work abide which he hath built Thereupon, he shall receive a reward.' (1 Cor 3:14)
READ: Numbers 31:21-23

In life, one meets with many unpleasant circumstances, deigned to test the believer and his works. Water can be used as well as fire. When compared, fire has the more devastating effect. For instance, if a man drowns in the river, no part of his body will be affected. He will just be full of water. But when a man is caught in a fire, he too will die, but you may find only ashes. He will be burnt beyond recognition.

In the Christian faith, for your works to be accepted and deserving of reward from the Lord, they must go through the acid test of God's fire (1 Cor 3:12-15). Into that fire are built all the required parameters, based on God's word, for a work to be reward able. Works done with wrong motives, to earn the praise of men; with the wrong attitude, without love, or in sin will be consumed in the fire.

According to our reading, gold, silver, brass, iron, tin and lead are listed as elements that can pass through fire and come out clean. These typify the enduring works God requires of you. Any works less than this, like wood, hay and stubble, are burnt up in the fire (1 Cor 3: 12). Carry out critical assessment of your works and find out if they meet heaven's demands.

Apart from works, your faith can be tested. Isaiah43:2 states you can go through water and fire. In each case God promises to see you through. The extent to which your faith will be tired depends on God's plan for your life. If God has a great plan for your life, be ready for the fiery test. The duration of your stay in the fire will also be determined by the degree God wants to use you. For instance, for a three and a half year ministry, Jesus underwent a 40-day wilderness experience. Moses, on the other hand, spent virtually 80years preparing for a 40-year ministry. Are you going through God's fire now? Congratulations. Fear not, favored one. The fire will consume only the things that are standing in God's way in your life. The fire will not burn you. He is with you in the fire.

Pray that God's fire bring out the best in you.
Ask him to grant that your works qualify for eternal.

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