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I Chron 4 - 6
Toddler Zeal
April 15                                        I Chron 4 - 6

Topic: Freedom From Curses
Text: Genesis 9:20-27

You may wonder why I have continued to address curses consistently. It is simply because I have discovered that if men of God could teach the Church why curses are in place, and show God’s people how to cancel them, wonderful things will begin to happen.

Again, let me state this: there is no cause without a cause. There must be a reason before a curse can work. Whenever the Lord is not on your side, if a curse is placed on you, it will work. If the Lord is on your side, if a curse is placed on you, it will not work. However, if the evil one tries to pronounce a curse on you, it will turn to blessing. In Number 23:8, Balaam said “How shall I curse, whom God hath nor cursed? Or how shall I defy, whom the LORD hath not defied?” Who can pronounce a curse that will work?

Quite a few people can pronounce a curse that will work on you. If God pronounces a curse on you, there is no escape. God pronounced a curse on Cain, in Genesis 4:4-12, and Cain never came out of it. Others that can place a curse that can work on you include those God has put in places of authority.

For example, your father can curse you. If your father curses you for a good reason, it would work. In Genesis 9:20-27, is the story of Noah when he got drunk. He got drunk and laid flat on his bed. When his youngest son saw him he laughed and mocked his father. He told his elder brothers who decided not to look at the nakedness of their father; they covered him up, walking backwards. When Noah woke up and heard what had happened, he pronounced a curse on his youngest son that he would be a servant for the rest of his life. The curse stuck to his life. Are you under any curse because of what you did wrong? You must repent and seek freedom from all curses. The Bible says: “And I will cleanse them from all their iniquity, whereby they have sinned against me; and I will pardon all their iniquities, whereby they have sinned, and whereby they have transgressed against me.” Jeremiah 33:8.

Memory Verse: Number 23:8 - “How shall I curse, whom God hath not cursed? Or shall I defy, whom the LORD hath not defied?”

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