Open Heavens Series OneOpen Heavens Series Two
Gen 37 - 39
Toddler Zeal
January 12                                     Gen 37 - 39

Topic: The Need for Proper Preparation
Text: Genesis 24:46-54.

In our devotional study today, we continue our lesson on marriage. Marriage can be likened to a journey. The starting point of any journey is very important. If you start on a wrong note, you will surely arrive at a wrong destination. I am conscious of the fact that there are lots of unmarried ladies and men in the Church of Christ. These bachelors and spinsters need help. Therefore, the first question you must ask is this: When can I marry? In discussing the journey to marriage, our first focus is on coming of age that is maturity. The journey into marriage begins when a man or woman matures. However, the age of maturity differs from one person to the other. Some people mature faster than others. Several things could delay maturity in the sense of being ready for marriage. Two of them are enumerated below:

EDUCATION: One of the things that could delay your marriage is education. You may be healthy, strong and capable of producing children, but then you may still be in the secondary School. In this case, you are not mature enough for marriage.

FINANCE: Another thing that can delay marriage is finance or unable to secure a job. In I Timothy 5:8 the Bible says: But if any provide not for his own, and especially for those of is own house, he hath denied the faith, and is worse than an infidel.” I have met with some young men, who said I should pray for them so they could get married. When I asked what jobs they were doing, they said they were trusting the Lord for Jobs. It is awkward to think of marriage when you are unemployed. The first thing that God provided for Adam was not a wife but a job. As soon as God made Adam, He told him to start working on the farm he was given. It was long after that a wife was given to him. If you do not have a job and you want a wife, you are an infidel. You are not even a Christian. Marriage is a costly business. You cannot just approach a father to seek his daughter’s hand in marriage and he gives you his consent without first finding out some things about you. You may be matured physically, but if you are not mature financially, you are far from being ready for marriage. As you look up to God for a good home you must not lose sight of the need for proper preparation.

Memory Verse: I Tim. 5:8 - But if any provide not for his own, and specially for those of his own house, he hath denied the faith and is worse than an infidel.”

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