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Exod 14 - 17
Toddler Zeal
January 20                                     Exod 14 - 17

Topic: A Lesson From an Indian
Text: Acts 10:34-44

God is good. He is ready to lavish his blessings upon those who are willing to pattern their lives according to His word. In John 14:14 Jesus said, “If ye shall ask anything in my name, I will do it.” The first time I read this passage, I paused. As a mathematician, to me, ‘all’ means without exception. Anyone who promises to do everything you ask from him is either crazy or the fellow is the Almighty. I then remembered that, in John 14:6, Jesus Christ said He is the Way, the Truth and the Life. If He is the Truth, it means He can never lie. I remember the day I told God to heal me of incessant malaria attacks and that, in return, I would serve Him for the rest of my life. God kept His own part of the bargain, now it is my turn to keep mine. He would do whatever you want but you must keep His commandments (John 14:15). You must do whatever He wants. I believe this is a very simple bargain. How much does He want from you? Very little. How much do you want from Him? Quite a lot. Let us conclude today’s quiet time with the illustration of the story of an Indian who, when he became born again, decided to make God happy. I think, in his dream, he presented a gift of his blanket to God and wanted God to smile to show His happiness. God did not smile. He went back and gave his precious horse to God. God did not smile. He then presented his bow and arrow, which were his means of livelihood. Yet God did not smile. Finally, he came to God and said, “Indian brought blanket, Indian brought horse, Indian brought bow and arrow, now Indian brought Indian,” It was then that God approved of his gift. The summary is that God wants you. Because He gave Himself for you, He wants you to give yourself to Him. Are you willing to do so? Once He owns you, He owns whatever you have. Once you surrender yourself to Him, it becomes very easy to do whatever He asks. The moment you are willing to do whatever He asks, you will receive miracles with amazing ease. The joy of it is that, whatever you ask Him, He will do.

Memory Verse: Rev. 3:20 - “behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me”.

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