Open Heavens Series OneOpen Heavens Series Two
Exod 28 - 31
Toddler Zeal
January 24                                     Exod 28 - 31

Topic: Help From Above
Text: Psalm 121:1-4, 23:1-6.

It is crystal clear that man will always need help on this side of eternity. Although many of us crave for independence, we are highly dependent on help or assistance from God and our neighbours. The source of your help goes a long way to determine whether your needs will be met or not. God is the only source of genuine, endless help. Today, we shall examine how David, the Psalmist, consistently made God the source of his help in all situations. When David said, “From whence cometh my HELP,” he was making a very important point. He was drawing attention to the One who had been his help from ages past. He remembered the One who had been with him when he was in trouble. When he was alone on the farm, he fought a lion and a bear. Who helped him? The Lord. Who is your helper? This is a question we should ask ourselves. Who has been helping you in the past? It might be very difficult for many of us to answer the question properly. Maybe the fellow who has helping you all along is your big uncle. Maybe you were not raised in a polygamous home. Maybe you come from a Christian home where are no witches at all. However, some of us come from families where we knew the meaning of danger right from our youth. Who is your helper? You must answer this question definitely. In Psalm 90:1-2, David said, “LORD, thou hast been our dwelling place in all generations. Before the mountains were brought forth, or ever thou hadst formed the earth and the world, even from everlasting to everlasting thou art God”. David knew what he was talking about. When he was speaking to Saul, in Sam. 17:34-37, he stated that since he had killed a lion and a bear, Goliath would also meet his waterloo because the God who gave the lion and the bear into his bands would give him victory. On whom do you place your confidence? Does your help come from above or from beneath? You may have a new problem but I want to assure you that there is no new God. The God who helped you to solve the problems of the past will help you to solve the new ones. David asked a crucial question and he went ahead to provide a timeless answer: “My help cometh from the Lord”. My prayer for you today is that God will take you to a level where your expectations will come from Him and Him alone.

Memory Verse: Psalm 90:1 “LORD, thou hast been our dwelling place in all generations”

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