Open Heavens Series OneOpen Heavens Series Two
Exod 25 - 27
Toddler Zeal
January 23                                    Exod 25 - 27

Topic: Holistic Living
Text: Proverbs 7:1-9

A lot of believers often believe there is a dichotomy between the physical and the spiritual aspects of their lives. God is interested in your physical life as much as He is interested in your spiritual life. Many believers are guilty of neglecting the physical aspect of their lives. Hence, many have died prematurely while others have continued to suffer ill health. However, God expects us to exercise sanctified common sense when it comes to dietary principles. If you eat the wrong food, you may be digging your grave inadvertently. God is interested in what we eat. God is interested in our being wise, too. Your body needs plenty of pure water, protein, calcium, minerals and vitamins, more than fat. You need pure water to clean your blood. Seventy per cent of your body is water. You must drink, at least, six cups of water daily. Sugar and starchy foods are to the body what petrol is to a car; but you do not need too much of petrol to run a car. Likewise, you do not need too much starch to run your body. Too much sugar causes teeth decay. Our teeth will drop off if our blood is full of sugar. Beans, peas, vegetable, nuts (almonds, groundnuts, walnuts), onions, fruits, milk and tomatoes are good. Sunshine is also good for you. Excessive coffee and eggs are very dangerous for you. A cup of coffee has an average of one and half grains of caffeine. For a heart patient, doctors use two and a half grains of caffeine as shock treatment. This makes the heart to work faster than it ought to. This means that when you drink two cups of coffee, you have given your heart a shock treatment. If you drink more than two cups, you are telling your heart to run a race. If you compel your heart to run a race, it will divide your body into two to be able to handle it properly. This is when stroke occurs. Eggs. Contain cholesterol. Too much of it will give you heart problem. Eating fried food is like feeding on ashes. Many of the so-called dainties of the rich are deceitful meals. If you live on the so-called “foodless food” you may be traveling on the opposite side of longevity and good

Memory Verse: Proverbs 7:1 - “My son, keep my words, and lay up my commandments with thee”.

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