Open Heavens Series OneOpen Heavens Series Two
Exod 38 - 40
Toddler Zeal
January 27                                    Exod 38 - 40

Topic: Love Gives Friendship
Text: John 15:12-19.

RELATIONSHIPS add lots of value to life. Good friends lighten one’s burdens. But the truth is that good friends are hard to find. Enemies’ appearing as friends have disappointed a lot of people. But the good news is that God offers us the type of friendship that cannot be found in the world. God loves the world. He loves you too. If God loves the world, that means He loves my country, Nigeria. It means that God loves my family and loves me. If the world were to shrink down to only one person, and that one person I you or me, “God so loved the world” would become God so loved you or me, so much that He gave His only begotten Son, that if you or I will believe in Him, we will not perish but have everlasting life. I am so important to Jesus to have died for me. There is only one friend in the whole world. Every other fellow is either a brother, a sister or an absolute enemy. The best-recorded friendship in the Bible was the friendship between Jonathan and David. Jonathan loved David like his own soul and did all we have already learnt that love does. Love gives, so Jonathan gave David his robe, his belt and jacket, and his sword. However, if you study this friendship closely, you will find out that it was rather imperfect. There was something, which Jonathan could have given David, which he did not give him. He could have given him his shoes. In Ruth 4:7, the Bible tells us why the shoes were important. In those days, an agreement was incomplete until the shoes were given in addition. Because Jonathan did not give his shows, it meant that he could withdraw all that he gave David in future. Jonathan did not give David his shoes. He was simply saying that even though they were friends, David must know his status and remember that he was a servant. Have you experienced true friendship? Make Jesus your friend today and you will experience uncommon fulfillment.

Memory Verse: John 3:16 -“for God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life”.


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