Open Heavens Series OneOpen Heavens Series Two
Gen 12 - 15
Toddler Zeal
January 5                                       Gen 12 - 15

Topic: Why Worry?
Text: I Cor. 7:1-9.

The totality of your success in life rises or falls on the issue of marriage. Marriage is such an important issue that if you fail in that area you must be a rare achiever to succeed in other areas of life. One thing I give thanks to God for is the fact that God graciously gave me a good woman to marry. After my relationship with God, I cherish my relationship with my wife. I thank God for making my home a little heaven on earth. I want you to pay close attention to today’s devotional study. Don’t ever jump into marriage, as you may never be able to jump out of it. Like me, start by accepting that not everybody will marry. Please let this point be clear from the begging. Marriage is a very beautiful thing, but when you think seriously about the matter, the one ho does not marry is better than the one who does. Almost all the mighty men tremendously used by God never married. Such people include Elijah, Paul, Jesus Christ, Isaiah, Jeremiah and Stephen. Somehow, they did not get into “trouble”. I am happy being married because my wife has been of tremendous help to me. I always miss her anytime I am out of the home. Marriage, like somebody said, is like a trailer: it drags you. The Bible says clearly that those who are not married mind only the things of God, while those who are married mind the things of their husband and their wives (I Cor. 7:34). I have a rough idea that when we get to Heaven, those who are not married will score higher marks, then those of us who are married. Your first step towards marriage, therefore, should be to ask God is He wants you to marry or not. If the answer is negative, then pray to God to let you settle down and begin to work for Him. You could argue that it is God’s desire that we should increase and multiply. Yes, but do all those who marry get children? There is a barren sister whom we have prayed so fervently for, but up till today she has no children. However, through this sister, several souls have been saved. She has even led many people to become Pastors. You will therefore discover that when we get to Heaven, some barren women will have more children than those who produced while on earth.

Memory Verse: Gen. 2:18 - “And the LORD God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him”.

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