Open Heavens Series OneOpen Heavens Series Two
Gen 27 - 29
Toddler Zeal
January 9                                       Gen 27 - 29

Topic: Partial Obedience
Text: Joshua 1:5-9.

Last Tuesday we began an inclusive devotional journey into the subject of obedience. Let me remind you again: those who are obedient are blessed while the disobedient have divine judgment hanging above their head. Today we shall focus our attention on the problem of partial obedience.
The problem of most born again Christian is not outright disobedience but partial obedience. There is no half measure with God. You cannot be married to God and be married to the devil at the same time. God will not tolerate you holding on to Him with one hand and holding on to the world with the other hand, you are either totally for Him or totally against. This is why He regards partial obedience as being worse than disobedience. Mark. 12:19-30 says: “And Jesus answered him, the first of all the commandments is, Hear, 0 Israel; The Lord our God is one Lord: And thou shalt love the Lord they God with all thy heart, and with all they soul, and with all thy mind and with all thy strength, this is the first commandment”. As far as God is concerned, you have to love Him completely. If you want to go with Jesus Christ, there will be no half be no half measures. If you look through the scriptures, you will see that those who suffered most, after Adam and Eve, were those who obeyed God half-heartedly. They include, among others, Abraham, King Saul, Ananias and Sapphira, and the disciples. As for King Saul, God asked him to wipe out the tribe of the Amalekites and to destroy everything in their country. But he went there and killed everybody except the king and the fat cattle. When God spoke to him, he said he had obeyed God. God said he did not obey totally. This attracted serious punishment. He and all those who could have succeeded him perished the same day. Ananias and Saphhira sold a piece of land and brought half of the proceeds to God, claiming that it was the whole. If they did not bring anything to God, they would no have died. The two of them died on the same day. These examples teach us that partial obedience is as heinous as disobedience. Are you manifesting partial obedience in any area of your life? Repent today.

Memory Verse: Eph. 6:14 - Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness”.

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