January 8
23 - 26
The Divine Time Table
Text: I kings 19:19-20
God is a great planner. He has
a divine timetable for all men as well as for all events. Things
would never be on course without a divine timetable. Do you know
that God has drawn a timetable for every stage of your life? With
this divine timetable, all things will together for your good,
according to Romans 8:28. When you read l Kings 19:19, you will
discover that God raised up Elisha when Elijah threw his mantle
on him as a farmer’s boy. As soon as Elijah threw his mantle
on Elisha, Elisha’s life changed drastically. He became
so powerful that his dead bones raised the dead. It was God who
chose Elisha and not Elijah who chose him. Before Elisha was born,
God has purposed for him to succeed Elijah. In Luke 5, we meet
Peter, a fisherman who failed, even in his profession, but God
saw in him somebody whose shadow would, someday, heal the sick.
On the day the Jesus met Peter there were two boats. One belonged
to Peter and the other to other people. Jesus chose the boat belonging
to the fellow who was born to be great. From that day onwards,
Peter’s life was never the same again. If you read Peter’s
epistles you would know that he was not a learned fellow. He once
confessed that he found Paul’s letter difficult to understand.
The Almighty God, however, grabbed him and decided that his shadow
would raise the dead. Before Peter was born God had settled everything.
Before you were born, God had settled it that you would be great.
Saul of Tarsus was a murderer. Nobody would have thought that
he would become great. God arrested him and changed his name to
Paul. However, before God finished with him, his handkerchiefs
were casting out demons. God had already chosen him from his mother’s
womb. You may be a ‘nobody’ but, one of these days,
God will shoot you into the limelight. The moment God unveils
His timetable; your ordinary moments will become supernatural
events. God will turn the attention of everyone in your country
to you, and you will begin to shine as the stars of the firmament.
Memory Verse: Ps. 3:6 - “I
will not be afraid often thousands of people, that have set themselves
against round about.”