July 20
2 Chron 20 - 22
‘And it shall come to pass, that like as I have watched
over them, to pluck up, and to break down, and to throw down
ad to destroy, and to afflict; so will I watch over them, to
build, and to plant, saith the LORD. (Jer 31:28)
Isaiah 61: 1- 3
four lepers went to the gates of Samaria to deliver good tidings
to the people. The message was that the siege was over. By God’s
grace I bring you this message today, that the siege of the
forces of darkness over your body and your health is over. Satan’s
siege over your womb is over. The siege over your finances and
business is over. The siege over your academic future is over.
1 Samuel 17:11, we are told that super-strong Goliath terrorized
the nation of Israel. When he spoke, the whole of Israel shook
and were sorely dismayed – their faith was broken into
pieces. But when David confronted Goliath in the Name of the
Lord, and killed him with one stone, the people thought it was
only a joke. But David cut off his head and the nation rejoiced,
because their siege was over.
that your siege is over, the eagle can fly again. God has made
us eagles with tremendous potential. If the siege trimmed off
your wings, you can have a replacement and begin to soar above
the heights. God has made some of us very great. People should
be coming to us for help. But because of the siege, we have
been the ones begging. Now that the siege is over, we shall
beg no more.
has broken the siege over your life. This is the time to arise
and begin to possess ‘the land’. It is also a time
for restoration. Those good things you lost during the siege
can be restored to you as you call on the Lord. If you have
lost loved ones in the Lord, the news is that it is not too
late, because Jesus is the Resurrection and the Life. He will
raise them up on Resurrection morning. Those believers who have
gone before us are presently attending Jesus Christ’s
bachelor party, waiting for the marriage supper of the Lamb,
when we will all be officially wed to our Lord. See you there!
But meanwhile, enjoy your freedom from the siege.
Now that the siege is over, begin to realize
your potential for the benefit of those around you.