Open Heavens Series OneOpen Heavens Series Two
Lev 14 - 16
Toddler Zeal
February 1                                      Lev 14 - 16

Topic: The Old Path
Text: Acts 12:5-7

Oftentimes, I sit down and compare the good old days with the present era. Each time I do, I get alarmed by the disparity in the level of fervency and commitment between that time and now. In those days, Christians were committed to evangelism. Much attention was given to corporate and personal evangelism. Souls were won to the Lord with zeal and they were faithfully discipled. Today, I recall with nostalgia the type of Pastor, which we had for souls. Oh, how I long for the good old days! In those days, you would not feel comfortable if you reviewed your day and discovered that you had not witnessed to at least one person that day. I remember very well a group that we called “Fishers of men.” We vowed not to sleep if we had not won a soul for Jesus on any day. If we got on our beds to sleep and we suddenly remembered that we had not won a soul for Jesus, we would get up, go back unto the Streets and evangelize who ever we saw. We did this regularly. We need to go back to this. If we can go back to that time, certain things will also begin to happen. We will begin to get good results. We will begin to get divine visitations as they got in the Early Church. In Acts 12:5-7, Peter was in prison and was to be killed the following day. An angel visited him. You may say that this could only happen in those days. However, it has been happening to me since I got born again. It is a question of your relationship with the Almighty God. It all depends on the side you present to Him. If you present yourself to Him as crooked. He would appear to you crooked. If you present yourself to Him as straight, He would appear to you straight. If you show Him that you really need Him, He will bring Himself close to you. I remember one occasion when my family and I wanted to return to church in the evening. We went home and I decided to pray in bed. We had been told not to come late so, actually, I knew I could not sleep. I however dozed off. When it was time to start going to the church, I felt a hand touch my thighs and pressed it until I work up. I thought it was my wife who had woken me up. I went downstairs and I found my wife and children fast asleep. The doors were locked. So who woke me up? In those days we never set alarms. We just told the Almighty God when we wanted to wake you and, on the dot of time, He would wake us up.

Memory Verse: Mark 1:17 - “ And Jesus said unto them, come ye after me, and I will make you to become fishers of men”.

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