February 2
17 - 19
Text: I John 5:1-5
Military strategists and war veterans
cherish victory more than the ordinary man in the street. Nothing
is more important to the man fighting a war than victory. Today,
our text centers on the word “overcome”. What do we
mean by the phrase “to overcome”? Nobody overcomes
without waging war. Whoever wishes to be an overcomer must be
ready to fight. The Bible admonishes us to fight the good fight
of faith. A good fight is the fight that you win. Which war are
we talking about? This was started a long time ago. God had someone
that could be called His ADC. All-important military officers,
for instance, always have someone beside them to do certain jobs
for them. The ADC of God was Lucifer, also called Satan. He was
beautiful and glorious. He was also wise. God created him so well
that He made an organ in his body, always ready to sing for God.
He was an anointed cherub. A time came, however, when this ADC
of God wanted to be like God. He decided to create a throne of
his own, which would be higher than that of God. He decided to
show the other angels that he was superior to them. He called
a mutiny. He promised the angels an unlimited power and freedom.
A third of the angels supported him. This was how the war began.
God sent Lucifer out of Heaven. He came to earth and more problems
started. Why is the devil interested in you and me? Why did the
incident in the Garden of Eden happen? God created Adam in His
own image and gave him tremendous power and wisdom. In the Garden
of Eden, God gave the dominion of the entire world unto Adam.
He was the manager of the whole earth: of the fishes, animals
and birds. You can then imagine the kind of intellect that he
had. Adam had tremendous physical strength and fantastic managerial
abilities. He also had a very wonderful brain. In spite of this,
Adam fell. The devil decided to stop man from enjoying the blessings
of God. Satan is conscious of the fact that if he should leave
you alone, you will enjoy the benefits, which he lost through
rebellion. That is why he is fighting you on all sides.
Memory Verse: Revelation 12:11
- “And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by
the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto
the death.”