January 29
5 - 7
The Power of Persistence
Text: Luke 18:1-8
TODAY, we shall examine the power
of persistence. So far, we have discovered that the moment Divine
champions make contact with their senior partner the rest is simple.
They know that “if God be with us, nobody can be against
us”. They know that once they have secured the backing of
the Almighty, they will win any battle, no matter the size of
the enemy of the direction he is coming from. This is why Divine
champions are always rugged prayer warriors. They pray until they
get results. Many of us would pray for some time and when we do
not get results we assume it is the will of God. Who told you
that it is not the will of God to heal you? The Bible tells us
that Jesus Christ came into the world to destroy anything in our
lives that we can trace to the devil. But you must pray until
something happens. Some of us hear what God intends to do, claim
it, and go to bed. The moment you hear what God intends to do,
what you do next is to go and pray to get your own share. You
are to pray until the miracle happens. I would give two examples.
In 1975, I was attacked by a boil on my nose. I had just believed
in divine healing. The boil grew so big that it blocked one of
my nostrils. I prayed non-stop for about three days, yet nothing
happed. One of my relatives who was a doctor advised that I should
take an injection but I refused. The pain went on and on. One
night I could not sleep throughout. I kept on praying until around
4.00am in the morning, and I then slept off. I was woken up by
the buzzing sound of a mosquito. As I tried to kill the mosquito,
I smashed my nose and the boil burst. Let me give you another
example. For months, I prayed to God for power. One day, God asked
me if I had used the power already given me. He said since I had
been baptized in the Holy Ghost, I already had power, according
to Acts 1:8. About twenty-four hours later, a sick child was brought
to me. The child had not slept for days. I started praying for
the child and, before long, the baby slept off. These experiences
show that it pays to be persistent in prayer. Today, I challenge
you to pray until you obtain or something happens.
Memory Verse: Psalm 4:3 -“But
know that the LORD hath set apart him that is godly for Himself:
the LORD will hear when I call unto Him”.